A few things have changed for us as a result of Covid-19 though, as always, our first priority remains safety followed closely by fun.
As of writing, there have been no confirmed Covid-19 cases in Mauritius.
We have taken this opportunity to review various procedures and have made some changes as per the recommendations of Divers Alert Network (DAN) and the Centre of Disease Control (CDC).
Equipment cleaning
We are now washing all equipment in a bleach / water mix before rinsing in fresh water.
Masks, snorkels, second stage regulators and BCD oral inflators will be washed in a separate disinfectant solution to avoid cross-contamination.
If you borrow gear from us, please feel free to use a household disinfecting wipe and rinse the equipment again before use.
If you prefer, you can also bring or buy your own regulator mouthpiece which we will attach for you and remove at the end of your dives so you can use it again next time.
Facility cleaning
We are now cleaning the toilet door handle more frequently and our bench where you all enjoy your Mauritian vitamins while completing your logbooks too – no, not with the same cloth ?.
Personal hygiene
We’ve put a sign in our bathroom reminding everyone to wash their hands for 20 seconds (Happy birthday sung twice in full is about this length).
Training processes have also been reviewed to reduce contact as well as not sharing equipment (eg the equipment exchange for Divemaster will currently not require it to be done on a shared regulator as per PADI recommendations).
Covid-19 and your scuba diving options
If you are in Mauritius and not needing to self-isolate as a result of Covid-19 and you would either like to:
1) see what scuba diving is like – the Discover Scuba Experience
2) learn how to dive and become a certified diver – an Open Water Course
3) further your dive qualifications – Advanced Open Water Course and up, or
3) go for a dive,
now is a great time! Our team is ready and we’re not as busy as usual due to the travel restrictions already in place from other countries.
For those who do need to isolate (regardless of country) now is a great time to complete the elearning modules of any course before completing the practical part when you can travel again.
We will be offering specials on these over the coming weeks. Please email for more information.
Remember to stay home if ill and see a doctor if necessary based on what your local guidelines are – this not only prevents the spread of the virus, it will also mean you’ll have a better dive experience when you are healthy to dive again.